Endometriosis Clinic

Specialized clinic for endometriosis management including pelvic pain, ovarian cysts (endometrioma), fertility management, laparoscopic surgery including excision, medical management, LNG-IUS (Mirena) placement, etc. Clinic offers specialized surgical care, medical management, pelvic physiotherapy, counselling, egg freezing options and other services for holistic management of endometriosis in married and unmarried women.

Our Department Consultants

Dr. Bimal John

MBBS, MS, Fellowship in MIS (France), Diploma in Advanced Gynecological Laparoscopy (Germany), Fellowship in IVF (Germany)

Gynecological Laparoscopy, Endometriosis & IVF Specialist
dr sunitha ramachandran - best doctor in trivandrum

Dr. Sunitha Ramachandran


Senior Obstetrician and Gynecologist